Wednesday, September 14, 2011

a terrible day!

Almost everyone of us had bad days in office, and I’m no exception at all.
Though I have had so many bad days in office before, but this recent one was really weird and twitchy.
Before I can tell you what happened to me, I first must bore you with a few technicalities of my job.

I’m working as managing director for an IT company established by myself, called daedal technovations pvt. ltd. the company works to develop a wide range of IT solutions ranging from software applications, web solutions, internet marketing, search engine optimization, IT consultancy, training and education etc.
Obviously, the office consists of several computer systems, without which you can’t imagine an IT company at all.
All the computers and other devices deployed at the office use electricity and we are not using any backup devices except UPSs attached with almost each of the computers.

It was Monday, around 8:30 in the morning, I reached in the office after a relaxing weekend.
All set to work, i’ve started the computers, the servers, printers, as well as other necessary devices in order to start working.
I’ve started looking the day’s to-do list, opened email account, entered user name and password, and just when i’ve hit enter on sign in, the power went off all of a sudden.
Oh no! it was dark all around, UPS beeping and also, sound of heavy rain drops poring outside
I kept checking the emails expecting that the power will get back in a few minutes.
I kept on checking, responding, and writing new emails to staff, clients and others as my daily routine.
The beeps of the UPS got faster and faster, and finally it has given the last beep so I had to turn the computer off before it could do by itself.
I still wasn’t that worried, and have been thinking that this power cut is momentarily
Minutes turned into hour and I’ve started getting calls from clients asking me to send their works. I just assured them to send shortly and continued waiting for power to come.
There wasn’t anyone other then me and a peon at office, because it has been raining so high outside and people couldn’t come.
I thought to listen some music for time pass, so turned my laptop on. Heard few songs, and goodness, it has beeped for low battery.
My next option to kill the time was mobilephone, where I had copied some good new songs just on Sunday.
Played few of them, and my luck, it has also shown “low battery” status.
Actually, I just forgot to charge my laptop and mobile phone due to relaxing ambiance of weekend. 

Oh no!
It was 11:00 on the clock, and I was left with no further option to amuse myself.
The rain was continuing with the same high pace, so noone could come to the office still, neither I could go out anywhere

Monday, uncertain powercut, clients shouting for their work, dark in the room, heavy rain outside, all alone in office, unable to talk with anyone, mobilephone and laptops discharged, bored, scared, bemused and helpless, still waiting for the power to get back, it was really so awful.

Trust me, I just kept on waiting forlorn for something better to happen, but neither the rain got stop so that I could run off from this place, nor the electricity restored so that I could work.
Trust me, i’ve waited till around 4:30 in the evening when the rain got lower and i finally got a chance to come out and get back home.

Gosh, what a terrible experience it was.

The incidence made me to think that Electricity has become such an integral part of our daily lives, yet it is easy to take it for granted. Practically everything we do revolves around electricity
in one way or another. What would happen if we woke up tomorrow and there was no electricity available? Would our lives change that much? Let’s consider
the various activities that would be affected if electricity disappeared one morning.

If you set your alarm clock the night before to wake you up in the morning, chances are you probably slept in. Unless you happen to have an alarm clock
that is powered by batteries, you will be likely to awake late to a powerless alarm clock. Even if your alarm clock has a battery backup, how many of
us really check to make sure the batteries aren’t dead on a regular basis?

After you light a candle so you don’t have to stumble around your house, you may find yourself heading straight to the kettle to make a cup of tea. You
can imagine your frustration when you go to boil the kettle only to be denied by a lack of power.

Now it is time to shower and get ready for work. If you have an electric shower you will immediately encounter a problem because it won’t work. If you
use an electric shaver likewise, hopefully you have a disposable razor stashed somewhere to use as a backup. There are other morning related accessories
that require electricity including your hair dryer.

Tired, Overslept, no coffee, no shower - bad day at work
Getting to work is going to be a nightmare. If it is wintertime it will be dark and there will be no streetlights. Think about the number of traffic lights
that you pass through during your commute. Every one of these lights is likely to be shutdown. Even if they have a backup power source, chances are that
they are reliant on electricity in one form of the other. They probably won’t be working properly anyway as most these days are controlled by a computer
system, which will be likely to have shut down.

After sitting through hours of traffic you may finally make it to work. Depending on what you do for a living, there might not be much work for you to
take care of. Fax machines, computers, and many other pieces of office machinery will be out of service unless your company has a backup generator. That
will leave you sitting in a dark office chatting with the rest of your fellow co-workers who were able to make it in.

As you climb into your car to head home, the low petrol light pops on when you turn on the engine. The traffic that you endured going into work has depleted
your fuel supply. While it might seem easy enough to stop at the petrol station, remember that the fuel pumps are powered by electricity and the computer
tills will all have stopped working.
No petrol = Mad Max!

By the time you do get home, the thought of a nice cold bottle of beeror softdrink from the fridge will seem pretty good. Too bad that bottle of beer is no longer
cold. Whatever food you have in your refrigerator and freezer is likely to go bad quickly with no electricity to keep it cold. Hopefully you don’t have
a microwave or an electric range to cook with. Neither appliance will do you much good in this situation. A quick look through your camping gear may
reveal an old cooking stove that you can easily prepare meals on.

Clearly life as we know it would change completely without electricity. It is easy to think of all the little things we would have to do without if electricity
ceased to exist. Along with all of the luxuries like TV, there are many bigger and more vital things that would be affected by the lack of electricity.

Think about your drinking water. Chances are it is run through some type of purification plant before it ever reaches you. If there is no electricity to power the different systems that a purification plant relies on, there will be no clean water to drink. The same can be said for our waste disposal
plants. Think about what would happen if all of our waste began to build up; cities would start to stink.
All the water will be horrible as well….

Hospitals would barely function without electricity. There are numerous different machines that doctors rely on to help diagnose different ailments. There
are also machines that are used to monitor certain vital signs during procedures. Without electricity, illnesses could go undetected and patients could
fall into cardiac arrest without anyone noticing.

The food industry has greatly benefited from the use of electricity. Think of the sophisticated packaging plants that exist and the different types of machinery
that each one relies on. How would we get food from the farm into each of our houses without electricity?

While so many aspects of our lives would be altered without electricity, it is not the end of the world, but the consequences would be pretty disastrous.
Economies would collapse and there would be major public unrest. There would certainly be growing pains as we discovered new ways to accomplish different
tasks. It is important to realise that we existed for thousands of years before electricity became a major influence in our lives. We would eventually
figure out how to exist without it once again.

Just looking back at a few of the daily activities, there are already alternatives for some of the obstacles we might encounter. Open fires can be used
to cook our food and candles can be used to provide light where it is needed.

It is easy to see all of the bad things that would happen if we were to lose our electricity. What might not be so obvious are the good things that might
happen. If we are forced to walk more instead of driving our cars everywhere, our health would improve. Without things like cars and factories emitting
greenhouse gasses, our planet would be much healthier.

Having said that it wouldn’t be much fun and life as we are used to living it would be gone.

Oof, I’m tarified just by thinking about it, but then, we better have to be ready for any.
Calamity. The incidence has given me this lesson that how important it is to have backup batteries, power generators and other backup devices.
Also, I now have brought a non electrical guitar, drum and some other instruments in office so that I can do something productive when something similar happens again. Oh, but I still hope that my luck won’t be that dam adverse to let me see this all again!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

life goes on!

Today, When it's pouring outside and I’m looking at a misty glass, trying to figure out what lies beyond, I seemed to have gone to that Zen moment, where nothing matters and
still everything matters.

We have one life and it can be as simple as a line drawn on the black board and still it ends up feeling complicated.
like a painting by toddler, you think it means something but when asked he will only surprise you with what it is supposed to mean!

You think you are in peace with yourself, with your life but often you think that way is not enough for that to last.

One life... and still why should it take us so long to figure it out, to figure ourselves, and sometimes even that does not happen..

And yes relationships.... that make life so interesting.

They make you feel loved, they make you feel drowned, they make you feel useless, they make you feel hated, they make you feel pampered and they can even
make you feel like living forever or may be never!

Why do we loose friends?
Why do we fall in love?
Why do we fight with the ones we love?
Why do people break our hearts?
Why relations which don’t matter makes us cry?
Why do we have to pretend at times?
Why do we feel the need to run away some times?
Why do some plans never see the sunlight?
And why do the unplanned take the flight?

Life is eroded with vain vapours of emotions, Twists, turns, changes, incomprehensible Pains, thrusts, pillories, stings, bewilderment, frustration, and hordes of complexities,
But with all these, there also is love, amity, pleasure, valor, passion, dreams, ambitions, achievements, and success.
Believe it or not, the life has to go on in all the situations, whether we act as cowards or heroes. Life has no other discipline to impose, if we would but realize it, than to accept life unquestioningly.
Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate or despise, serves to defeat us in the end. What seems nasty,
painful, evil, can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength, if faced with an open mind. Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.

May be that's what the LIFE is all about.

Take The Good With The Bad,
Smile With The Sad,
Love What You Got & Remember What You Had,
Always Forgive But Never Forget,
Learn From Your Mistakes But Never Regret,
People Change & Things Go Wrong…
But Just Remember, That Life Goes On!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

its me, yet again!

Hmm, so It’s been 2 months. Two. Whole. Months. And a little bit more. And I totally take the blame for being missing all this while. What? There could be other
reasons yes? Not in this case really, here it’s just me, but there could be. That’s all I am saying.
I believe that I deserve to be banished from blogdom. Yes, I really do. Such long sabbaticals and so many times, can only be punished with some severe banishment.
I think.

But you can’t! Nobody can! Actually, blogger can, but it won’t. So here I am. Shamefaced, but nonetheless, back. Unless I lose my password or something,
which will catastrophic, but then there is always a ‘forgot password’ option to get me back on track, except, what if I forget the password to the email
account linked to this blog as well, in which case I am royally screwed. There is this secret question thing I know, which by the way is a total shame and
will not work, because very recently, when I tried resetting my ‘My Vodafone’ password after 3 years (yes 3 years, because I am suddenly in need of my bills,
because work makes me call Godforsaken Basel, and that costs quite a bit, so cost means reimbursement, which means need for a bill, which means an account
, because the hard copies go to my first ever office address, and fixing that needs faxing some docs, or visiting a store or something, which is much more
painful. You get the idea.), I realised that I the registered email id was from my old workplace. Pshaw. So no password, no email id. Yeah, so I tried
the secret question thing, and as always it was my mother’s name. Simple eh? Only, no it isn’t! Because when I punched in her name , it refused to accept
it. Finally it said, it would send me the answer to my phone. Yes, there was a ‘forgot secret answer’ option as well. And when I clicked that, I got an
SMS saying my mother’s name was ‘Sunitha’. Only, it is not. And also, I do not know any other Sunitha, and even if I did, I would not randomly change my
mom’s name to that, or name said person as my mom, and I would definitely not add the ‘h’ after the ‘t’ because, well, I think it is wrong. Sunitha comes
with a ‘chota t’ and not a ‘bada th’ and don’t ask me why I am telling you all this.

By the way, on a depressing note, I am working today. How I hate working on weekends..(especially when others at home are relaxing in the bed!)…

Song on my mind and in my ears – Pal by K.K. – inspired by a dream I saw last night, which you can guess now, if you relate it to the song. These days I have
been doom-dreaming quite often.. I wonder what it reflects..
Whatever…Do I care.. As someone told me once… “Eat, drink and enjoy…for tomorrow you may die(t).”

By the way, me and two friends are planning to watch some French movie tomorrow..I don’t know the name..nothing.. will update once I watch it!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

sheela ki kahani

Well, I’m doing a lot of socializing these days along with work.
Just yesterday, I had to meet the owner of a well known business house for discussing my new project with her.
Like I usually do, I’ve started the conversation by informal greeting, saying “hi, my name is prateek”.
It was her turn now, and she did so!
She introduced herself to me with a
"My name is Sheela.".
and I just gaped at her for five seconds, not knowing what to say.
All I can say
is that it took an immense amount of self-control not to say the next few lines, complete with the clapping hands dance movement.
Guess that's one more name that will be struck off the new editions of baby name books, along with Munni.

Seriously, It was really hard controlling myself, and an icing on the cake was her spectacular looks, which was just about opposite to our original sheela.
It took me a lot of efforts to control the laugh.
I wanted to get away from there and have a deafening laugh, but after all, she was client!

Ah, however, There may be a sheela reading this blog too, and trust me, I’m not at all trying to offend anyone.
I’m usually good with people, and since that song came, it was my first direct encounter with someone named sheela, which took me wild for that moment.
I’m sure to behave courteously with all sheelas from next time onwards. In fact, it’s a wonderful name!

Oh, and since I do not have anything more to say in this post, let me type the song “sheela ki javani” and see how much do I remember this hot and arousing melody.
So, here goes…!

I Know You Want It
But You Never Gonna Get It
Tere Haath Kabhi Na Aani
Maane Na Maane Koi Duniya
Yeh Saari, Mere Ishq Ki Hai Deewani

Hey Hey,
I Know You Want It But You Never Gonna Get It
Tere Haath Kabhi Na Aani
Maane Na Maane Koi Duniya Yeh Saari
Mere Ishq Ki Hai Deewani
Ab Dil Karta Hai Haule Haule Se
Main Toh Khud Ko Gale Lagaun
Kisi Aur Ki Mujhko Zaroorat Kya
Main Toh Khud Se Pyaar Jataun

What’s My Name
What’s My Name
What’s My Name

My Name Is Sheila
Sheila Ki Jawani
I’m too Sexy For You
Main Tere Haath Na Aani
Na Na Na Sheila
Sheila Ki Jawani
I’m too Sexy For You
Main Tere Haath Na Aani

Take It On
Take It On
Take It On
Take It On

Silly Silly Silly Silly Boys
O O O You’re So Silly
Mujhe folo folo Karte Hain
Haan Jab Unki Taraf Dekhun, Baatein Haule Haule Karte Hain
Hai Magar, Beasar Mujh Par Har Paintra

Haye Re Aise Tarse Humko
Ho Gaye Sober Se Re
Sookhey Dil Pe Megapan Ke Teri Nazariya Barse Re
I Know You Want It But You Never Gonna Get It
Tere Haath Kabhi Na Aani
Sheila Ki Jawani
I’m too Sexy For You
Main Tere Haath Na Aani
Na Na Na Sheila
Sheila Ki Jawani
I’m too Sexy For You
Main Tere Haath Na Aani

Paisa Gaadi Mehnga Ghar
?Ani Na Mainu Ki Gimme Your That
Jaibein Khaali Bhadti Chal
No No I Don’t Lie Like That

Chal Yahan Se Nikal Tujhe Sab Laa Dunga
Kadmon Mein Tere Laake Jag Rakh Dunga
Khwaab Main Kar Dunga Poore
Na Rahenge Adhoore
You Know I’m Going To Love You Like That, Whatever

Haye Re Aise Tarse Humko
Ho Gaye Sober Se Re
Sookhey Dil Pe Begapan Ke Teri Nazariya Barse Re
I Know You Want It But You Never Gonna Get It
You Never Gonna Get My Body
I Know You Want It But You Never Gonna Get It
Tere Haath Kabhi Na Aani
Maane Na Maane Koi Duniya Yeh Saari
Tere Ishq Ki Main Deewani

Ab Dil Karta Hai Haule Haule Se
Main Toh Khud Ko Gale Lagaun
Kisi Aur Ki Mujhko Zaroorat Kya
Main Toh Khud Se Pyaar Jataun

What’s My Name
What’s My Name
What’s My Name

My Name Is Sheila
Sheila Ki Jawani
I’m too Sexy For You
Main Tere Haath Na Aani
O No No Sheila
Sheila Ki Jawani
I’m too Sexy For You
Main Tere Haath Na Aani
Sheila Ki Jawani
I’m Just Sexy For You
Main Tere Haath Na Aani

Sunday, January 30, 2011

first post of the year!

So this is the first post of this year. And mind you, its still January, last day though. Lol!

Well then, here's to another year of hard work, poor pay, multiple responsibilities, little acknowledgement, viciously short-sighted politics, rampant hysterical ignorance, rape torture and murder, and worst of all, a bland diet thanks to soaring grocery costs.

And also to small pleasures. Cha on the stairs, adda on campus, people who think, greasy fish-fries. Luck, hugs, solidarity and of course, friendship!

2011 seems like a great year so far. No disasters reported, no coups, tsunamis, recessions or even a major scam. There has been at least one uplifting event already, so the year has started well.

Oh, but it might not be a fair thing to pass judgement on 2011, rather, I must retreat to the dim and distant past. Specifically, to 2010. Which seems to have been a good year on the whole. Except perhaps for the Democratic Party in the USA. Or marine life in the Gulf of Mexico. And Ricky Ponting’s Umpire Education Policy. And Arun Nayar, who found that safety-pins cannot hold a marriage together. Or the Indian Railways in Uttar Pradesh, where 6 accidents were reported in January 2010 alone. And the General Post Office, Kolkata, where employees were taken to task at year-end because they could not achieve unreasonable targets (such as delivering letters on time, specifically a letter from the Home Minister of India). Further, this was not a good year for bond salesmen and stockbrokers in Greece, or for that matter in Iceland or Portugal. There was some talk of an economic crisis in Spain as well, but all calls to their Ministry of Finance yielded only a recorded message at about 98 decibels that went “OLEEEEEEEEE!!! GANAMOS!!!” (We won). Apart from these, 2010 seems to have gone off well.
It was also a very moving year. The earth moved early and often (no, I am not referring to intimate experiences.) In January, an earthquake in Haiti touched 7.0 on the Richter Scale. In February, there was an earthquake in Chile that touched 8.8; since the Richter Scale is logarithmic, that means it was nearly 100 times as powerful as the Haiti earthquake. The earth wasn’t done yet – it moved again in April in Qinghai, China; in June off the Andamans; and in October off the coast of Sumatra. And these were only the major ones reported! As a result, People magazine and Times Now had to change their definitions of movers and shakers.
2010 also saw major advances in scientific inquiry. Psychics and clairvoyants in india examined the possibility of grafting on six more arms apiece, but were baffled when informed that an octopus also has a beak. Later, conspiracy theorists had a field day when Paul the Octopus died. The most popular theory was that somebody had asked him to predict Rajnikanth’s death. In related news, Diego Maradona finally stopped throwing players off the team when it was pointed out to him that he had himself been thrown off the team. Elsewhere, scientists declared that they had developed a car that can run on water. As long as the water came from the Gulf of Mexico. On the other hand, some scientists expressed fears that if the oil spill got worse, we would have to start drilling for water. Unless the oil spill was diluted by melting ice caps, because global warming seemed a very real menace in 2010 (though trains tangoed in the fog in January and monkey-caps bloomed all over jaipur in December). The issue had come to public notice much earlier, when almost-President-of-the-USA Al Gore won an Oscar for “An Inconvenient Truth”, the highest-grossing PowerPoint presentation in history. Unfortunately for him, that did not cause any significant change in US public policy, such as declaring him the President.
The year that saw the rescue of the Chilean miners ended with a different kind of digging out. Julian Assange caused consternation when Wikileaks spilled the dirt on many governments, but allegations of an entirely different kind of leak dumped the dirt on him.
India has had its share of drama in 2010. The most heartening aspect was the spirit of innovation. Such as the provision of snakes in the Commonwealth Village, purportedly to make athletes from wilder climes feel at home (there is no truth in the rumour that the snakes story was really all about Gujarati catering). Or the proposal to solve one of India’s most contentious political issues by commissioning a temple-cum-mosque on the site – under the able stewardship of the CWG Organising Committee. Lalit Bhanot, poor man, caught some flak with his comment about Indian standards of hygiene; so much for speaking the truth. In related news, the External Affairs Ministry learnt of the existence of some countries only when these countries threatened to pull out of the Games.

All in all, 2010 was a rich period of history.

it has been an eventful and difficult year. With the things moving back and forth, my life too seemed to be in a constant state of upheaval. Specially for the memories of someone who used to talk on the phone for half an hour every day apart from having long leisurely conversation until we fell asleep--it nearly tore me alot in those good nice memories. Shanaya, wherever you are, i’m missing you.
Ah, never the less, Yet I had so much to be thankful for, and like we all know, its life, which just keeps moving.

In 2011, I want to try more consciously to improve my life, to not wait for circumstance but seek out what makes me happy. So I started with some of the lessons I've learned over the last year (and should have learned long ago really, and some of them I had and then forgot.

Hoping to have more bonded connection with you in this year.
Let me stop typing before i get wet in tears.
Wish you a great remaining year ahead!