Friday, August 7, 2009

e mails, so what?

The dream which I've seen maximum number of times is one about finding my letterbox full with letters and most of these bearing my name. In the last 10
years, I've seen this numerous times.
It doesn't take Freud to interpret this dream. I love getting letters and really love to get them.
I've pen pals over the year- a bond formed by the letters
with those faceless strangers.
with the advent of technology my pen pals were replaced by chat friends; yahoo messenger and GMail taking the place of pen and paper.
But I still love to get letters, though now I hardly get one in a year. on the contrary my inbox is always full of new emails.
E mails: Electronic mails. extremely fast. I don't have to worry anymore about what the fate of the letter would be. Neither I have to wait for 15 days to
have a reply( the prompt one). sometimes the reply comes within a minute. but... as my cousin once wrote, Emails lack personal touch.

let me explain. my cousin and me used to keep in touch through letters. our relationship grew over the years through the letters and then emails and now
we still email, call and keep in touch. but emails lack the speciality. unless u count the latest ways by which my cousin irritates me in the mails, there's
nothing to established that it's the mail coming from her. I mean, emails bear just some typed characters... without any uniqueness. any Tom-Dick-Harry
could have typed that. it doesn't have the unique ornate scrolls characterising his letters or the bad handwriting proclaiming to be a letter from me.

the Internet has done so many things. but it took away the personal touch. moreover, now we think..yeah..we'll send this..but ultimately we don't.

the world is getting smaller and smaller
it's now restricted to the satellite and Internet
but you and me are drifting apart
more distant than two stars,
thousands light years apart.

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