Wednesday, June 17, 2009

worrier or warrior?

Man and worries have very stout relation with each others.
We born with worries like hunger, thirst etc, and die with infinite complex once, which are even hard to describe.
By this, I can affirm somehow, that man is worrier by birth.
It says, that worries are petrol to human life which keeps him stirring ahead.
Well, that’s absolutely true, and besides all the ills of worries, there are lot lot benefits as well. It’s just that if you look on the other side of the coin.
two terms exists in this connection as, worrier or warrior.
When faced with a situation, we usually adopt two kinds of stances, of a “warrior” or a “worrier”.
As a “worrier” our focus is on everything else, except the challenge ahead. We don’t even see the situation as a challenge, we see it as a problem. So there
goes the fun in dealing with the situation. We get so caught up in the problems that we don’t even look beyond the situation. We keep thinking and get
into a complaining mode about how, why, what and when we got into this situation rather than ah!!! thank God, what an opportunity to be in such a situation.

However, if we take up a “warrior” stance, we feel full of energy and we start thinking of strategies and solutions of how to deal with the situation. Suddenly,
the whole situation is fun and challenging and we enjoy the whole process of winning through the situation. We don’t even realize but in the process we
gather like-minded people, we find resources, things just begin to happen. By the end of it, we find a lot of growth within ourselves and we get a feeling
of mission accomplished!!!
Often the choice is ours, of being a warrior or a worrier!!!
And we must remember that it is only the warriors who win!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good imagination! i think that if a person start thinking like this, his or her life will become much easyer or happy!