Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ring a bell.

It's funny how unexpected free time comes when you least anticipate it. Well, I guess that's why they call it "unexpected". I've been using "too busy" as
an excuse for not updating this blog (among several other things) and now here I am, sitting in lab in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week,
typing out a post about ... well, nothing. Irony seems to be a consistent theme in my life, huh?

So what exactly am I doing here? Well, I was supposed to be in lecture, but the kindly professor decided not to show up. I could've just taken the two
hours off and gone and done something else, but like a good child, I thought, "I'm sure there's work for me to do in lab - I better not waste this time
doing something pointless" and promptly strolled on over to lab. Only to find that pretty much everyone has gone out (to lunch, to do work on some other
floor, who knows?) and that my supervisor isn't around to give me work either. Again, much to my own surprise, I refused to be deterred by the apparent
lack of work and scavenged around, looking for a textbook I'd been reading last night so as to continue my studies. Surprise, surprise - I couldn't find
it anywhere in bag. Seems like if you're really intent on doing some useful work, it will do its best to hide itself from you. Oh, well. Can't complain.

It's surprising how little time it takes to get out of touch with blogging. Just a few days ago, I was sitting at home, words pouring out of my mouth
hands, thoughts flowing like a raging river in my head. And now here I am, unable to think of anything to write. It's not like I lead an uneventful life.
And that's not even the problem - I can think of a lot of posts that I've written based on completely ordinary, uneventful things. The problem, I think,
lies in the fact that once you've lost touch, nothing seems "blog-worthy" anymore. You start losing the ability to look at the world around you from a
blogger's perspective, and that, in turn, makes it less appealing to write about anything. It takes a supreme effort to get yourself to write that one
pointless post, that one post that serves the sole purpose of getting you to open up that blog page and type something, and then, before you know it, you're
back in the groove and writing as though you haven't written in ages (which, technically, is true).

This pointless post had better achieve that goal, but I’m still waiting for my mind to Ring a bell.

1 comment:

life said...

I'm sure it did. Everything in the post was really good, including the flow of thought, the choice of words. I'm looking forward to a lot more!