Wednesday, November 25, 2009

i guess that's life

I had written this sometime in semester 2. I was waiting for a lecture to start when suddenly these thoughts flooded my mind and I put it down on paper..

Sometimes I wonder why things that happen in our lives, happen at all. because some of these things change your life entirely - may be forever. You wish that
some things never happened, or certain other things happened - but what we always forget is that if everything happened our way, wouldn't life become too
predictable and boring? You would just say "I want it that way" and it would happen - no, that's not what life is all about. You need to experience unexpected
things, and derive excitement and happiness from those things, because if there are no challenges, there's no excitement. Challenges come in 3 categories
- easy, difficult, impossible. Those who take on the easy alone have a boring and straight forward life. Those who take on the difficult have a tough but
satisfying life. Those who take on the impossible are remembered forever! (I read this quote somewhere) Always remember - all that happens, happens for
good. If God does not give you everything you want, it is because there is a reason behind it - and it is for your good. Time will teach you everything,
even if you don't understand it at the moment. 'because time is the greatest healer..

I can still relate to what I had written so many months ago.. What I had gone through then is very similar to what I am going through now.. The emotions are the same, the situation slightly different.. I guess that's life!


life said...

Well, history repeats itself. And truths remains eternal.

Well said, Prateek. Anybody anytime anywhere can relate to your words.

tamanna sekawat said...

cool stuff, prateek.
how could you think so deep down, specially during your semester exams?
heads off, man!