Saturday, August 22, 2009

how to improve spellings in english?

Well let me tell first of all, I’m usually not supposed to write these sort of tutorial, or guide. (whatever you call it). But, I had been asked by one of my very close friend, while we were talking about silly spellings written by intelligent people. She said, “I don’t believe, how they can write those many erroneous spellings”? I said “they do, because of unproper education, and other internal/ external issues”.
While arguing, she finally said, that why don’t someone comes with an extensive guide that can improve their spelling habits?
I just promised her at the time, that not sure if there is anything available to provide extensive informations all at one place, but I’ll write one for those who badly looks for it.
Thanks to Natasha for inspiring me for this, and you all, I’m not a regular tutorial writer, excuse me for anything flawed.
This guide is for you, if you feel yourself hazard while writing.
This guide is for you, if you find spellings your rival,
This guide is for you, if you feel, that you can’t spell correctly even to usual words at all,
Hey, ok, I mean this guide is to improve your spellings skills.

Fare or not, often people are judged on the basis of how they spells the words.
I know this is not a legitimate criteria, but that’s what it goes, specially in corporate or professional environment.
So, firstly you need to understand, that you are not the only person who is suffering from the problem of bad spellings. In fact, I’m sure there are milians of people like you in world, so my point is to stop feeling nervous about it.
Believe me, you are not unlike, it’s a very common error found in many of us.
The reason is, that we are not properly educated about spelling strategies in our primary classes, and those who are educated even have not taken much interest about it.
In English, it says that rules are made to be broken.
Many a times, neither two words pronounced somehow samely would have same sspelling, nor two samely looking spelling would have same pronounciations.
It’s peculiar, extremely peculiar, but as said, that’s what it is.
Writing proper spellings has it’s own very special magnitudes, and if on a professional basis, it may even make or break your career.
So, what is that magic mantra to trounce this problem?
Well, I’d say that there is, and there’s not.
What I mean is, that though there’s no mantra available to completely assembling the skills overnight, but still there is a mantra, and that is “practice makes one perfect”.
There are some rules, some customs, some exercises and more, to which if you practice, you’d be a juggler of spellings pretty soon.
Well yeh, it’s an art yet it can be learned, it’s a magic yet it can be executed, it’s a tune yet it can be played, and of course, it’s a bit hard yet it can be done.
Now comes the milian doller question, where to find those rules, customs, exercises and more. Well, internet is the key, believe me or not, it also has great stuffs for improving English apart from your favorite song, favorite movies, and else.
No no no, I haven’t written this long guide only to tell this small thing, waite a bit, I’m providing a list of internet’s best resources which would definitely improve your skills of
Spelling correctly.
How much you’d improve, , depends how much you’d pick up the logic behind.
Here are some of the best resources available on internet, which if you read, you’d return with golden power of correctly spelling the words.


Learn English spellings: the site is best for those who are gramatically sound somehow, yet finds themselves in trubble in spelling part.

this is a great spot on the cyber domicile to learn spelling tactics, and those too in very easy to understand language and properly listed manner.

the following website is one of the best resources that I’ve found over internet for those who are seeking ways to learn English. Believe me, if you devote few of your hours to accentuate on the rules and strategies provided on this site, you’d be able to crutch up your spelling pretty satisfactorily.

now this one, has some nice tips for your spelling related problems.

this is for everyone who is worried about his or her spellings, or even about their child’s spellings as well.

find 100 Most Often Misspelled Words in English here:

a quick guide for those who just need to polish it:

a nice guide for spelling rules, just a little bit of logic needed.

this is the very detail reference for learning spelling rules and strategies. Recommended who thinks that they need to work a bit extra on their spellings.

most common spelling rules, all at one place.

one more very nice website for improving English spelling, very nice one.

well, I bet you’re excited now, and all set to learn how to spell correctly, so what’s to wait, let’s quickly visit the sites one-by-one, and become the emperor of the world of spellings.
By the way, Happy spelling!

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