Saturday, August 8, 2009

the sound of lonelyness

I know the sound of two hands clapping and sometimes I try to figure out the sound of one hand clapping (as the Zen koan goes). But recently I’ve discovered
the sound of loneliness.
Don’t ask me where and why, as this seems to be more personal then what I love to divulge, but what’s important is that I did discover that, and believe me it’s repugnant like anything.

What is the sound of loneliness?

It isn’t silence.
Some of us actively seek silence. Some of us like solitude. But that’s aloneness, not loneliness.

Lonely is feeling invisible in a crowd. Or unheard in the melee.
Lonely is when you want to talk to someone…anyone…and all you can hear is telephones ringing and no one to pick them up.
Lonely is when you want to talk to one person only and everyone in the world but that person wants to talk to you.

The sound of a telephone ringing till it gets cut is the loneliest sound in the world. Whichever end you are at.

I have heard the sound so loudly recently, so all that I can tell is that it’s one of the most unpleasant things of the world.

why and how, will tell some other time.
Possibly a next part of this post, though I have never yet tried any sequel of any of my post, however idea seems good one. Isn’t it?
Well, above all that, the good news is, that I’m feeling far better now, as the atrocious sound of loneliness seems not appearing anymore.


Anonymous said...

wow, good ideia!

Anonymous said...

wow! good ideia to---