Wednesday, September 23, 2009

looking for mister right, but on a wrong place

I don’t know how many of you have watched this new Television reality show on Star Plus called the ‘Perfect bride’. Normally I avoid these shows because of all the unhealthy emotions that come to the forefront when you put highly competitive youngsters together in a house while they are fighting for the prize. They play games, they form alliances, they plot to eliminate others – in general, it brings out everything negative in them. And in some shows there is a free exchange of obscenities and insults, no holds barred.
In this case the title of the show was intriguing and hence I started watching it. What do they mean by the term ‘Perfect Bride’? Obviously nobody can be perfect under all circumstances nor for everyone in the world?

The participants comprise of 5 bachelors and their moms and 10 girls. They are to spend a few weeks together in different wings of the same house - girls and moms together and boys together, separated by low gates and balconies. The mummies are to allocate tasks and observe the girls in action while they perform housekeeping tasks and cooking. There is hardly any free interaction between the young men and women – as it is mostly under the observant eyes of the others in the group. Only winners in tasks are allowed to spend an hour of private time with a partner of their choice.

Now comes the fun part:
What kind of tasks are set for men? They have to run through slush , climb ladders, change punctured tyres and drive the car back within the shortest possible time.
Tasks for girls? Arrange a party for the boys including decoration, planning menu, cooking and cleaning.
How original is that!!
And no penalties for the boy who came last but the girl who was poor in her task had to clean the toilet – wah!!

At the end of the week, one perfectly sweet girl was voted out because one whimsical mom thought she was not suitable for her precious son. Good for her I say, to get out of this madness soon enough. I loved what that spunky girl said before leaving: "May be my perfect man is waiting for me out there and I am getting late for him!!" HUGS girl, way to go!

The format of the show is too imperfect to be able to succeed in finding anyone perfect. As one smart and articulate participant aptly said ‘perfect bride is not just about cooking’. Another beautiful girl said how her confidence was being shattered every minute she was in that house. I perfectly understand. I think some of the girls might be scarred for life after this and some of them may never want to marry!!

In any case looking at the quality of the boys and the attitude of their moms ( one mom was rejecting a girl because she was dark!!!) I think the ‘perfect’ bride they are searching for is one dumb, fair, good-looking, saas-serving bahu. Mommyjis, have you tried the matrimonial ads? You have a better chance there.

Well, what else was I expecting from a channel that thrives on the “K” serials?


Anonymous said...

well you are right, its really ridiculus, a survey must be cunduct to explore the real aspects of this timepass program!

arpita said...

Gr8, you’ve got nice thoughts and an art to express.

anushka maheshvari said...

True, sounds really absurd, someone tell these guys, it’s marriage not the childish game of “guddas” and “guddis”.

shanaya said...

hwell i've seen this show, and you are right.
it's completely a mess.
what a hack this show is!
by the way, i wonder prateek, you've expressed your views so nicely.

manish verma said...

i've never seen this show before this post, but i've seen yesterday at the first time.
dude, you should be a TV reviewer. seriously, such a great thoughts you've got, and words, they too are so appropriate.